Maybe if I post this it will lend some accountability :)
Things to drill on Ariel's sabbatical
1. Sets of 3: L's, tucks, straddles, pikes
2. Press h.s. Prep slides
3. Handstands: L on wall to open/strengthen shoulders
4. Forearm balance: pincha<>scorpion
5. Core: navasana twists, hollow body rocks, V-ups, plank, channel chip's warm up
6. Press hs work: flexibility, hip flexor leg circles
7. squats/deep/feet together
1. Side sit<>stand
2. Vaschi>sit
3. hanuman
4. pigeon
5. navasana
6. seated uttita hasta padangustasana
7. double drop knee/balance on shins
8. stand>kneel
9. sit ups
10. supta hasta pandangustasana
11. mayurasana
12. inversions
Oh yes - I'm jumping on this train with you! Bring it on! We can add some partner drills in there when we get to our legs of this adventure together!